Community Plan

Summary of Comprehensive Community Plan

Each year the Council creates and implements a local plan of action that addresses community needs related to substance Indiana-Columbus-DEFabuse reduction. This document is the Community Comprehensive plan for 2019. You may download a copy of this comprehensive community plan here.

The Council took great care in preparing a Comprehensive Community Plan that would reflect long-term needs and concerns of all parts of the community. The council collects yearly data from law enforcement agencies, the court system, Healthy Communities, and the schools (yearly data and Indiana Prevention Resource Center data every two years), as well as other agencies when available (i.e. Agency on Aging, Turning Point). Community members are welcome at monthly meetings to help assess and/or add to the data or insight. The Council compiled the information and used it to assist in the preparation of this plan, which was completed with assistance from the Community Consultant assigned by the Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana. The plan was then reviewed, revised, and approved by the Local Coordinating Council.

awarenessThe LCC identified three main problem areas to be addressed in the coming years. They are

1. Substance use by youth and adults,
2. A full continuum of treatment services, and
3. Substance abuse impact on the justice system.

The LCC will work with community organizations to plan and implement programs that address the problems and recommended actions identified in the plan. The County Commissioners will have final approval of funding allocations from the County Drug-Free Communities Fund that support such programs. The LCC will monitor the progress of these programs throughout each year.



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